Palace Production Internship

I worked in two divisions at Palace Digital Studios: Rabbit Ears and Palace Digital Productions. Palace Digital Studios is a post production companay in South Norwalk, CT. Rabbit Ears is the children book division of Palace, specializing in publishing Brothers Grimm adaptation books with audio CDs featuring celebrity voiceovers. During my internship, I assisted the in-house graphic artist with the restoration of old book plates, using chemicals to separate acetate sheets that had to be scanned and retouched with a Macintosh computer.

Post-Production at the Palace

The second part of my internship involved learning about video production. The in-house client at Palace Digital Studios is the Outdoor Life Network. I observed and assisted the crew of The Road to Tour, a weekly television program about Le Tour de France featured on the Outdoor Life Network. My additional duties included helping the secretary staff sort and organize the Palace tape library. Also, I assisted the Director of Engineering with video and audio equipment. I would spend additional time in the video editing suites learning about production development.

Production Assistant at Life Shirt Shoot

Two Part Assignment: Production: a) Help the production crew with the shoot at the Fairfield Fire Department Training Center in Fairfield, Connecticut. Be responsible for getting signed releases from firefighter, protecting equipment, organzing tapes, logging footage. Post-Production: b) Retrieve selected shots from the footage taken at the shoot (ie. man in hazmat suit, etc).

The producer was Scott Bryce. The client for the Video News Release was Andrew Bahar, Vivometrics executive.